We moved!

Easiest and fastest move ever! 


We're ending the year with one last trip with the Nynke. And our first trip all alone!

For the past 3 months, Ghent was her home, but with the holiday near, I wanted to take the Nynke for a tufftuff and tufftuff her somewhere else. And what other place to tufftuff to than to Bruges! It's close to my parents, close to family, and you're almost immediately in the city(center). Train station nearby... It sounded perfect!

So I made a plan, looked for a crew, and on the 26th of December, my dad and I pulled up the gangway and set course for destination Bruges! Sailing the Nynke is easy, but navigating out of my box, into locks, and docking in Bruges, still gives me a lot of stress. See it as learning how to drive for the first time... But, practice makes perfect. And so does staying calm!

The weather played some games with us by giving us some drops when leaving Gent and of course when we had to go outside in the rain because we were in a lock. You won't ever have it any other way.
But after that, we had a splendid little trip. The whole canal all to ourselves. And even though I know the route pretty well, it was special to see it from the water rather than from my bike.

We saw plenty of ducks, seagulls, cormorants, and herons. On land, we were looked at by sheep and goats and the occasional cyclist.
As I'm close to family now, I also picked up my grandma for a visit to the Nynke. Let's say that once back at home, she kept giggling like a little kid thinking about the Nynke.

For the next few days, there are lots of little inside jobs on the planning. I moved to the Nynke about 3 months ago, but there is still a lot of stuff that needs to find a place to live somewhere. And some small adaptations that I'd like to do or prepare.
But, Lolo and I are always ready to stop our work (read: sleep in the case of Lolo) and have a cup of tea with you!

Merry Christmas and a happy new sailing year!

At least that was the plan... We did indeed sail to Bruges, and I did some work in the bathroom, as I wanted extra storage. Not that the project has been finished by now. But also, I decided to stay in Bruges. This was by far the easiest move that I've ever had! No endless carrying of boxes, no endless trips back and forth from your old to your new place. You just turn on the engine, and that's it.