Don't push the button

Lodinn discovering boatlife!


It's one of those evenings. The forecast is predicting the first nightly frost, maybe even some snow in the south of the country. The boat however is surprisingly warm (the full 7 degrees!).

We just arrived after a weekend at my parents. We, being Lodinn the boneless and me. Whilst I'm unpacking the bags Lolo walks and sniffs around. He has once again arrived in this cold steel box that keeps slightly moving, sometimes it even shakes. And there are birds! Birds floating in water! Birds that he can't catch! And so many reflections of lights! What is this place!
As he once again spent the weekend with Narfi, he had been running around my parent's house and climbing things. Something that he likes to continue once aboard the Nynke. Got to keep the fluff warm, you know... Due to the unpacking, Lolo's curiosity, and the combination with the physiotherapy of Lolo, he jumped on the captain's chair onto the dashboard where all the instruments are. I'm quite the liberal cat mom. So I let him sniff around. Only to get into action once I noticed Lolo walking on the Sailor marifone. The last thing that I'd want is for Lolo to call the next lock or block a frequency by pushing a button.

Little did I know. Cats will be cats. And Lolo became extremely fast after his recovery. So whilst I try to pick him up and kst kst him away from the marifone, he puts his little paw on the horn button!
I think that the Nynke has about 2 push buttons. One is not connected and the other one is the horn. So there we were, late in the evening. Dark and cold outside. With Lolo blowing the horn. Not the short blasts that tell other boats what you're about to do. No, one loooooong tooooooooooooooooot!

Anyway, the whole harbor is awake, including my neighbors (who texted me...) and I'm measuring up the command panel to laser-cut an extra box to make it all kitty-proof. I figured that at one point this might happen, so I already asked a colleague to laser-cut me a box for the power switch. I added a second one for the other control panel. With the switches safe the only thing Lodinn can mess up now is the Christmas tree!

***A big thank you to Joachim Meert for giving me peace of mind when I leave Lodinn alone on the boat now by lasercutting the boxes! ***